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- $25.00 (CAD)
Subscription period: 1 year
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Open to currently serving or retired peace officers, or those employed full time as law enforcement educators; or to current or retired civilian members of a law enforcement agency.
Active Five Years
- $100.00 (CAD)
Subscription period: 5 years
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Open to currently serving or retired peace officers, or those employed full time as law enforcement educators; or to current or retired civilian members of a law enforcement agency.
- $20.00 (CAD)
Subscription period: 1 year
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Open to persons with training, experience or other professional attainments in the law enforcement or related field or employed as part-time law enforcement educators or members of our partner organizations.
- $15.00 (CAD)
Subscription period: 1 year
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Open to persons actively involved in the study of law enforcement, or who identify as potential applicants to law enforcement, or who are an active volunteer with a law enforcement agency.